Here are Some of DLA Ministries/Departments- we'd love for you to get involved


Bereavement Pastor Eutrice Rambisoon, 407-712-3179

Our main purpose as a group is to express the beauty of Christ in us by showing love and support by loving and comforting the hurting families and to let them know that there is hope for Christian living because we have a glorious future.


DeaconsPhilip Singh, 407-218-1559

This set of people are the main helpers in the church--from the preparing and serving of the Lord’s Supper to fixing breakfast for the Sunday staff. They work around the clock until service is over. They work alongside the ushers, but mainly in the capacity of assisted help.


DLA Student Recognition MinistryPauline Henry, 407-905-0790

The ministry was established to encourage our future leaders in their academic achievements by motivating them to dream and reach their goals to become our rising stars.


GreetersYvonne Davis, 407-432-9996

Some of the first people you will meet at the door are our greeters. They hand out bulletins and greet you as if you were a longtime friend. Warm and friendly, they will make you feel like family.


Lay MinistersPastor Jeremiah Bartholomew, 646-220-3094

The vision of the Benevolence Ministry is to assist the family member to get over their present situation with love by providing support and getting assistance from various agencies on behalf of Deeper Life Assembly.


Marriage EnrichmentPastor Amar Rambisoon, 407-810-2030

The first few years of marriage can be rough and even after those years, time and time again your marriage might need some refreshing. This class is designed for everyone who is married or engaged. Listen to people who have been through it and have survived to tell the tale.


Men’s Ministry Tommy Smith, 407-808-4792

Men have it hard at times, so this ministry was designed for men and is run by men. The meetings are filled with lots of food and fellowship. Each 1st Saturday, the men gather to talk over the past month or if an activity is planned for that month, they all meet up at the location.


Prison Ministry- Lorraine Alleyne, 407 578-9191

This Ministry is geared towards bringing the gospel to our local prisons. We pray, teach, counsel and build relationships with the inmates.


Outreach & Local Missions Rev. Dan Dhoray, 407-401-8900

This ministry has a heart for the lost and hungry. We go out to different communities and minister both natural and spiritual food to a hungry audience.  We get donations from various places and carry them to the ones who are in need.


Worship & Music Director Alex Lamourt & Chris Samaroo

Together, as creative people of God, our mission is to create a place for God to dwell. Worship is more than a “thought” of praise; it requires active participation. We are worship leaders with a mission to create an atmosphere that God will inhabit. It is our responsibility to take the congregation on a musical journey into intimacy with Jesus so that all may know Him for Who He is, in all of His glory!


SecurityFrank Baptiste, 352-435-9208

We provide security for the church, inside and outside. We also greet and welcome all of our members, visitors and guests. We support and refer members and guests to the appropriate departments based on their needs.


Seniors-Margarita & Kirth D'Andrade 

Seniors’ ministry exists to bless and honor senior adults. Through fellowship and teaching, the seniors are encouraged in their continued value to God so that they might finish well the race that has been set before them.


Sunday SchoolRev. Elaine Smith, 407-290-1622 - The hearts and mind of our children need real love and attention. At our Sunday school, your kids get a power-packed hour of fun, activities and, most importantly, the word of God all encapsulated in love. Your kids get grounded in the knowledge and understanding of the lives of Bible characters and they, too, learn to listen to the voice of God.


CD & DVD MinistryRev. Desmond Langton, 407-880-4972

The purpose of the Tape Ministry is to handle the duplication of CDs and DVDs immediately after each service so that members, guests and visitors may take with them a copy of the sermon to replay at will.


UshersTimothea Williams, 407-654-0390

The Ushers make sure that all of our guests are properly seated and that there are available seats in the congregation that are easy accessible. They also collect the offering and oversee the needs of the church during service.


Women’s MinistryPastor Eutrice Rambisoon, 407-712-3179

This ministry is designed especially for women. Women ministering to women through the good times and the bad times, find a sister or mother who has been through the hurt the pain and the joy of life. Sisters of Dorcas are dedicated to helping all women meet their God-given destiny.


Youth and Young AdultsMichael Singh, 407-267-4849

Too many of our young people are hurting on the inside with no one to offer moral or spiritually support. The DLA Youth group is now the outlet for all the uncertainty and sometimes frustration that might exist in their hearts and minds. It is also the place for encouragement, worship, praise and fun, fun, fun unto God. Resolute, which is the name of their group, meets every Friday evening at 7:30 pm.


Hospital Visitations- Cislyn Ralph, 407-521-6819

This Ministry focuses on visiting the sick in local hospitals. They are able to pray with you, offer you communion or just sit and talk. It always feels good to know that people other than your family care and support you through your time of difficulty.